Welcome to my Sketchbook!
Hi friends, I'm starting something new for me- a visual sketchbook or a visual journal if you will. I feel a need for a deeper connection with all of you that I can't quite achieve with social media anymore. I'll still be active on there, because I do think it's a necessary tool to help bring attention to my artwork.
When I asked you all for your help with what direction to go next, I got so much wonderful feedback, and ALL of you who thoughtfully replied, said a newsletter or blog would be preferable and an even WELCOME change to the social media fatigue we are all facing right now.
It's important for me to be authentic and this feels more aligned to who I am. While I have a deep appreciation for writers... I am not one. I'm sure you've noticed I almost ALWAYS misspell something, because in my excitement, I assume I have typed my thoughts correctly....this is almost never the case. Yet here we are. Thank you for showing up and reading this, thank you for being here.
I have no idea if this will resonate but my goal is to update and send this little blog/newsletter to you on a regular basis... little snippets of what I'm up to, my process, my musings.
So now for some good stuff. I've got two major projects I'm brewing up. Time lines TBD.
I've been feeling very drawn to working larger and creating originals over the last year or so, I finally got the courage to take some canvas with me to French Polynesia this winter on our family vacation, as most of you know I adore sketching and painting on location and it felt like a natural place to start. And you know what? I'm really proud of the work I'm doing, and REALLY excited by it. Which feels really good to hook into that feeling after a bit of a slump and trying to figure out which direction to take my art. I'll be sharing more on that here as time goes on. I'm planning series of paintings inspired by my time in French Polynesia, an omage to "that vacay feeling" you have where everything is a little brighter and and little more joyous. It's going to be full spectrum color and full spectrum joy.

My rough plan is to actually sell the originals. GASP! I KNOW, for years you all have asked. And the time has come- I will be selling these- or attempting to. I have no idea if anyone will love them as much as me but the plan is to get them out in the world, with the exception of one or two which are unfinished and already hanging in the house and I'm not sure I can part with them as planned. I'll also choose a few to turn into prints and thinking of doing larger scale prints as well. I have a lot to figure out but it feels good have something fun to focus on.

Secondly, a new product. The LAST in a LONG long line of things that are of course inspired by wizards. I know many people have moved on from this theme and I deeply respect that. I feel my time with them is drawing a close was well, but not without the crowning jewel of the collection. I've hemmed and hawed if I want to do this and I can't get over the idea. So it's happening. I sketched the idea for this years ago and had ceramic sample made and have yet to commit to artwork for....a COFFEE press. I'm open to suggestions. for the artwork as I've been through many ideas. Maybe quidditch? The burrow? A scene that winds through all of Hogwarts?

Here is the sample without artwork of course.
If you've made it this far- thank you. I'm excited for a new chapter of my art and excited to be sharing a little more behind the scene and process with you all here in this space. It's going to be casual, non edited photos with a slightly less polished feel.
Cheers, Cara